Our Administrators and Teachers respect the Homeschool choice and have Homeschool experience. Students learn in a wholesome, secure and challenging community of believers where encouraging words and respect for individual learning fosters a vibrant and biblical growth environment with a relational focus.



What Makes Us Distinctive?

  • Vibrant studies for our students directed by Washington State certified teachers.
  • Our 17 Faculty include 13 Certified teachers and 2 specialists in their academic areas.
  • Secondary students(7th-12th) earn a NWCS Homeschool Extension transcript.
  • College credit options.
  • Our experienced staff are available to offer support, encouragement and prayer while assisting with academic and daily homeschooling concerns.
  • A life-giving, relational atmosphere and the freedom to pray with students!
  • Classes taught through a Biblical lens.
  • Freedom to choose curriculum for home use with a biblical worldview.
  • We provide curriculum for Elementary and Secondary classes at no extra cost.
  • NWC Homeschool Families homeschool under the Private School Extension Option of the Washington State Homeschool Law.
  • Our students are not required to take current public school tests and are not required to adopt Common Core Standards.
  • Our program provides and administers standardized testing each Spring to comply with Washington State Homeschool Requirements.

Unique Programming

The NWCS Homeschool Extension Program offers:

  • Two Elementary Field Trips per year
  • Two Parent Teacher conferences per year
  • An ASB led Secondary student social and a service project field trip
  • Annual Evening of the Arts Student Showcase
  • Senior Leadership-Students who complete their senior year with us enroll in our Senior Leadership class designed to encourage young adult spiritual formation and explore career choices by coordinating an interest-based internship project that is professionally presented and evaluated.


Elementary (Kindergarten – 6th grade)

Our energetic certified teachers provide an active and academic environment seeking to support parents in their work to raise Godly young men and women by integrating a Biblical lens into the class day to equip minds for God’s purpose and transform hearts with the gospel.  

We offer a weekly Enrichment Day of classes and activities for homeschooled students. Certified Christian teachers experienced in working with Homeschool students and families focus on hands on, active learning.  Our hands-on enrichment day designed to support dedicated homeschooling moms and dads is offered on Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. – 3:05 p.m. at Crossover Church, located in North Spokane. Science, History and Writing are taught weekly. Parents remain the primary teachers and our staff send home daily assignments for parent use. Each grade level uses the same curriculum and teachers collaborate and plan lessons that facilitate home-schooling multi-aged children. The enrichment experience includes Music, Art, Spanish and PE classes also included in this dynamic learning day.

Secondary (7th grade – 12th grade)

Life on life mentoring is an essential component employed by our caring teachers working with students to foster a relational learning atmosphere.

Students in this program participate in fully graded and transcript courses that satisfy NWCS credit requirements. Our academic class day provides strong accountability. Students rotate through classes each hour, like a traditional high school day. Our staff instruct on Thursdays and send home lesson plans and assignments with students to be completed during the week. Parents continue to play an essential role supervising, motivating and challenging their students throughout the week. Our academic class day is offered on Thursdays from 8:00am – 3:10pm.  Innovative online software assists students and parents in tracking assignments and communicating with teachers. Grades are reported quarterly and recorded as a NWCS transcript, which is important for a high school student who is working towards post high school goals.  Our teachers integrate a Biblical lens into their subjects.  We seek to prepare students to pursue God’s plan and vision for their lives.

More Opportunities to Grow

Sports and extracurricular activities are an important part of a student’s life.  Students who are enrolled in the NWCS Homeschool Program may participate in all NWCS extracurricular activities including athletics and theater. Secondary ( 7th-12th ) Homeschool students are welcome to take a NWCS full time class for an additional tuition fee based on availability.

Graduation Options

8th Grade and Senior Graduation Events

    • Option 1:  Students in our secondary program are prepared to attend NWCS-Colbert Campus full time in their senior year. Full time seniors earn a traditional NWCS diploma and graduate with the full time senior class.
    • Option 2:  Homeschool students may also choose to earn a NWCS Homeschool Program Extension Diploma by completing their education with the Homeschool Program and attending our Homeschool Program graduation ceremony.


NWCS Homeschool Tuition Rates 

2024-25 Financial Worksheet

2024-25 Homeschool Tuition & Fees

NWCS Homeschool Inquiry Letter

Discover NWCS Homeschool

Homeschool Testimonies

Frequently Asked Questions

Athletics Information and Important Dates

Staff Biographies 2023-24 

2023-24 Thursday Schedule

Curriculum Rotation 2023-2027 (updated 2023)

Elementary Curriculum Rotation

2024-25 Secondary Schedule

2023-24 Homeschool Calendar

2023-24 Complete Inquiry Packet

Contact Information

For more information about our Homeschool Program in Spokane, Washington, please contact:

Northwest Christian Schools
5104 E. Bernhill Road
Colbert, WA  99005
Contact:  Ruth Wagley or Sara Jones
Phone:  (509) 238-4005 x 136 or x140
Email:  rwagley@yh0896.com  or sjones@yh0896.com